Big Gal who embraces everything... Inches thats all about food, love and life... ♥
Friday, July 29, 2011
The meeting of the boyfriends
My friends and I have always been breathing and living the 1Malaysia concept even before our PM made it up . Back in secondary school during secondary 3,4,& 5 we were the 1Malaysia gang. Amly representing the Chinese, Melissa representing the indian community ,and me for the Malays.
The best thing with our group is ,we're besties but we all have our separate lives. We meetup once every few months, gone for holidays , hanging out and even kept in touch with the same classmates. How awesome is that?? Loz... I love our times hangging out with Mohd Azfar , Faroukh and Arwin , and maybe Faisal (however he is most of the time MIA or to busy to hang with us =p). And also Mel's brother Stephen.... =)...
Time out with school friends..
Well if my counting is correct i think all Of us have been friends for more or less 10 years. That's amazing on it's own. Even if we don't really meet each other that often we however still communicate through facebook, YM and even MSN. And what I love about them is that we all are sooo different yet we compliment each other..!!=)
Am's 2010 birthday... heheh With the same old gang... Friends Always Guyss..!!
Funnily enough all of us have boyfriends and met around the same time.. and im proud to say all of us are still with our respected partners. All our relationships have exceed the 4 year bench and some close to six years....=)... But funny enough only recently we got to meet the boyfriends....=)
Mel's 2009 Bday
1 year plus ago, Am and I got to meet Mel's boyfriend Steven and they finally got to meet Tito (my Boyfriend@Fiance) when we all went for a holiday to langkawi...=)... It was our first holiday together and boy did we had fun...!!!=)... It was awesome.. we lazed around and enjoy each others company..=) ... Chocolate shopping and not to forget sight seeing... among other 'fun' things that we all did....!! On that occasion only My boyfriend Kamal@Tito and Steven could make it, as Stanley Am's boyfriend was busy with work. But it was still an awesome holiday... !! Cant wait for our next one..!!
Langkawi Trip in 2010
We tend to joke around and disturb Am , on how we never got to meet the mysterious Stanley. The only way we knew of his existence was the occasional calls he made to Amly during our outings...=) . However, im proud to say, recently and finally we got to meet Stanley..!!! However, as long as our bestie Amly is happy.. Thats all we want...!! =)
Christmas @Mel's in 2009
Hahahaha.... I met Stanley during one of our monthly meetup's.. This time it was an activity at Plaster Fun House at EMpire Gallery, Where we choose our preferred plaster and colour and paint it . hehehe , i was nervous as it was the first time Tito meet Stanley and also first time me meeting Stan too.. hehehe ... But i was happy everything turned out well.. hahaha ... the guys bonded over the fact that they were wearing the exact brand and type of shoes even in the same colours.. heheheh .. lolz.. Awesome..!!
Plaster fun House @Empire Gallery
Since Mel was busy with her studies or work, she couldnt join us for the fun. The next activity we did was mencanting batik. heheh, it was very um.. different but fun. People may think its boring, it take your concentration to a very calm level... hehehe .. You can take your time doing it and release your creativity on this piece of cotton fabric.. hehehe ... but cool..!!!=) .. Im definitely going again..!!=)
Mencanting Batik in 2011
And now after being friends for more than 11 years, hehehe im happy to say that we are all in the happiest times with the person we all love the most. And im proud to say after 11 years, we are still close friends and i hope we will continue for years and years and yearssss... to come..!!! And we also share our other halves with each other... hehehe ... Till our next holiday (with Stanley this time ..*winks*) ..=).. hehehe ... Love you gals soo much... xoxoxox, till our next meetup.. =)
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