I still remember those days back in primary and secondary school where almost everywhere i looked, friends were all playing 'Batu seremban' , bottle caps , hop-scotch ('ting-ting'), spinning top ('gasing') and even Marble toss ('Guli'). hahaha .. i remember in primary school, i begged my parents to buy me a kite... hahhaa ... mayb for the first 3-4 months, i was sooo crazy about it.. After that, i kinda got boring, and the kite was kept in the storeroom collecting dust and soon it crumbled with the weight of the dust.... lolz
For me personally, the only time i see this activity is through tourism advertisement that keeps running on the tv promoting to visit Malaysia. It always captured my attention, but i didnt know such place existed to do such a thing. Until oneday, i went surveying for halls for my big day. I basically tried finding out all the buildings in Subang Jaya, Sunway and even Kelana Jaya. Some caught my eyes, were either too grand and expensive or too small and kinda unappealing.=)
Like i said all these time, i've only seen it on the television, besides wearing them of course. I was fascinated with how it was drawn on to fabric. Well, i finally got my chance to try it last weekend. I went with one of bestie Amly and her boyfriend Stanley. It was the first for all of us, so we were really excited..!!
After we finished drawing with pencils, we were then showed how to outline the pencil drawing with hot wax.. And i really do mean Hot..Hot..Hot..!! That was the interesting part but kinda boring part.. haha ... next time i would try my level best to not take or do any intricate designs as to outline small shapes are hard.
After that colouring time... this was the most awesome part of the whole experience, looking and learning how the same colour can produce shapes and blending 2 opposite colours... Wow, it was magic,, hahaha ... I think out of all three, Amly produce a more Batik design and colouring technic... Good Job Amly!!!