The company trip/teambuilding (CT/TB) was a 2days 1night trip to "Sekeping serendah retreat" which was situated somewhere in Rawang ,Selangor. It took us about an hour plus to reach the place .The road leading up to serendah was a bit of a 'kampung-ish' as it was also the orang asli territory . The roads were kinda in a bad situation leading to the retreat as it was in the lush full jungle, in the middle of knowhere and near a "Perkampungan Orang Asli". But all 5 cars made it through safely ..=)
Upon reaching there we were all kinda hyped and exited , as the entrance of the place was already indication that it was gonna be an awesome weekend. Driving up the pathway towards the chalets was nice, green, clean and so refreshing and all you can see and was eco-friendly green chalets and tree's everywhere. A sight for sore eyes...=)..
We all made the Mud-house ,our HQ for the trip. We all gathered there and split into groups for the sleeping arrangements. The guys were devided into 2 groups, one staying in the Glasshouse and the other the Mud-house. The girls had the glasshouse all to themselves too. Since this was my first time meeting everyone , i kinda stayed with the few ppl that i know (my bosses from Keation) at the Mud-House...=)..

About an hour after we reached there, we were divided into smaller group for our teambuilding sessions. And like any teambuilding sessions, we had to make, design and come up with group name, flag and cheers to start the group bonding and getting to know each other. I think we had the most fun here , cause we were all scrambling to find ideas, names and even using some natural elements to create the flags...=)...(etc: flowers,twigs and even leaves.. =)..I was definitely proud of my team.!!

The activities that day was such a blur to me as i was having sooo much fun.! =) We had loads of games lined up for us, such as puzzle piecing,treasure hunting and even gravity test. The gravity test was kinda awesome, we were given some pieces of tissue, 5 straws, an egg, 1 rubber band and a polystyrene cup. We were asked to use our imagination to wrapped the egg with all or some of the things given and it will be dropped from a high place. And the group whose egg did not break will be given points !! =)
Later in the evening , everyone had a hour or so to chill out, and some of us decided to hang out at the custom man made pool there. Wow, the water was SOOOO COLD...!!! * shivers*.But it was extremely refreshing, the whole place does not even need air conditioning , the evening and morning breeze was cooling enough that i was mainly reaching for my blanket the whole night . hehhe... how awesome is that even the water for showering was icy cold.... hahaha ... that really woke up our senses.. REFRESHING!!

As the day comes to an end, the bonding ritual a form of FOOD!! BBQ dinner was sooo excellent, the bosses had pre-marinated the chicken, prawns, and even grilled sausages... um... its sooo good..!! hehehe ... and then the games began ... We played a few games that when the "Loser" who didnt get it right , they were penalised to eat all the extra food such as chocolate, extra chicken, sausages and even fruits. A nice way to not waste , right ?? The people which kept losing will not agree.. hahaha .. but It was fun..!!

The next day, was a more chilled out day... We woke up early morning, had breakfast... We took our time to venture and explore the place .. We took pictures and just savour our last moments there . Later we gathered and the MC of the event made a personal page for everyone , and we were to write what we thought of the person whose name was on the paper. Since that was the first time they saw me.. Majority of the comments that i got was about my eyes, smile and attitude...I love all the compliments!!! hahahah... With that we ended the trip and took some amazing group photos...=)... An awesome , amazing weekend it was. I wonder whats in store for this year ...?? Checkout some of the videos we made..!!=)
From Kuala Lumpur, take the North-South Highway heading north and exit at Rawang. After the Rawang tollgate, turn right and head north via the old trunk road. Pass busy Rawang town and head toward Serendah (10km away).GPS coordinates : N3.368050, E101.631150
From Kuala Lumpur, take the North-South Highway heading north and exit at Rawang. After the Rawang tollgate, turn right and head north via the old trunk road. Pass busy Rawang town and head toward Serendah (10km away).GPS coordinates : N3.368050, E101.631150