Welcome Izza , to the 25th of age gang ..!! hahaha ... A year older.. and a year wiser.. But definitely more fun, adventure and prosperous years ahead. hahaha ... Her bday falls on the pitiful jokester date known as "April Fool Day " a.k.a 1st April .. lolz... Back in school i remember how ppl will prank her even worse since its her bday... with eggs.. flour... water balloons... and soooo much more.. haha .. Mayb i should have planned something like that for u . Lolz...

Anyways, Izza invited me for her small bday celebration that she co-shared with her beautiful sister Amirah...=).. It was a very intimate and warm environment, surrounded with family and a few friends. We all had a blast as her aunts are all loud, cool and just plain fun..!!
Seronok ade aunts or people like in ur family like that..!!
My friendshp history with Izza goes wwwaaaaaaayyyyy back.. lolz. We first knew each other back in Primary 1 and a part of Primary 2 in SRK SS19. After that she had to leave to UK with her family. As her parents got transferred there. Suddenly in Primary 6 , we met again when she enrolled in SRK SS17 , Subang Jaya. We were all not the same people.. but we still remembered each other !!

Soon we all proceed to Secondary school in SMK SS17, although we were never in the same clique of people but we still remained friends....=)... Even after school, we even embarked on an adventure together known as National Service (NS).. lolz in Setiu, Terengganu. Lucky i had a familiar face there .And we still remained friends and meet up every few months ...=)..

Anyways, back to the bday party..!! =).. hahahh .. Before this turns out into one sappy sad story.. haha .. Anyways, for the past 18 years of friendship, that was my first time stepping foot into her house and meeting her whole entire family and the full set of siblings...5 Sisters....=).. Lolz.. I even reconnected with another old friend Asreena Ramdan. We were all friends and known each other since Primary school days .. and since we all living in the same area.
Never too far apart.. lolz.. It was fun , reconnecting and minggling with Izza's UITM friends, cousins , aunts and cute nieces,,!! hahaha ... especially getting to meet up old friends was what i cherished most of the whole night..!!
It was a FUN night and thanks to Izza for inviting me . Hope u liked the little something i gave, Its nothing much but something that u could enjoy..!! Happy 25th bday..!! May god bless u always and forever.!!
Friends Always,
So so cute ur entry.. thanks dina ;D SOooo sorry i never had a blog so i comment pun kat sini je la ye ;p was nice having u n yes such a gr8 adventure mase plkn n was really gr8 to have u there i was so freaking scared tau act but having some familiar faces really make me feel better to go through the months ;p We were all not the same people.. but we still remembered each other !! wat ever that maybe of cz i remember u dear... ppl will prank me last time siot btul!! hahahaahaa nasib da tua2 nie xde org buat lagi kalo tidak!!!! ahhahaa eh mcm best la plak tulis2 panjang2 maybe i should hv my own blog one day... i might even call it an April fool gal adventure - story of my life!! (mmg xde org nk folllow nnt ;p)
ReplyDeleteAw.. u should babe... i'll follow u . lolz.. anyway, i started out just like a diary.. and i dunno.. its fun to share. You dont have to write long... hehehe .. a short updates now and then also ok sayang..!1=)