Nyny is not really new in Malaysia, They have open their doors to customers for the past 4 years and still in counting. My first experience here was during my birthday and valentine celebration in 2009. Since my bday is 10th feb and valentine is a few days after. My boyfriend and i decided to celebrate it early in order to avoid the crowd, high price couple set meals and just all the hocus pocus the celebration brings. Im the type that enjoys good food. I loves good, delicious , fulfilling and mouth-watering good food but if possible i do not want to have to pay so much for it.. *wink*
Since, we met up during a weekday. We basically had the whole 1Utama to ourselves. Less crowd and loads of promotions and offers for us to choose from . Im the type that loves checking out new places..=).. So this was the day i first noticed NewYork NewYork deli while walking around with my Bf. The outlook they have is very open, clean, bright and just plain inviting.
The open we set foot in the restaurant, we were greeted with a string of "Welcome"... haha .. I literally felt welcomed and cosy in the environment . The person attending me was Ann. She was very friendly, awesome customer service and was just very helpful with helping us with our orders. With all her help, my Bf and i end up choosing Grilled Chicken fillet Carbonara, Lamb Shank Spaghetti and drinks. Both my Bf and i assume that the lamb Shank was gonna be a scrawny shredded type of Lamb, so we were excited and surprise when the dish came it was a whole Lamb Shank and my-oh-my it was Yummilicious!!!!!
All in all i was very statisfied with everything, the service, the food and expecially the portion. With the type of things we ordered would normally cost us close to rm100++ at some places but the bill came up to not more than rm75.
Since then i have been bringing my friends and families to try this awesome place. To everyone that has ever watch Man VS Food , where an average american man and eat gynormous amount of food in a certain stipulated time. Well, NYNY has a challege for u . If u could finish their Ultimate Beef/Chicken burger plus all the fries in 1hour, the Rm47.90 burger it will be FREE!!! Unbelievable?? haha .. My friend karmun decided to take up the challenge, but when she saw how big it was , she was overwelmed. Lolz.. I think she could finish only half of it.. But will an admirable effort ..!! hehehe ..
For the last 2 years, i have brought friends and families here and never once was the food or service disappointing. They are getting very busy lately with people enjoying everything NYNY has to offer. SO dont miss this opportunity to enjoy quality food, with affordable price with people u love...!! hehehe .... Oh a few other recommended dishes by me is the Meat ball pizza, yummy.. like a burger+ spaghetti on a pizza.... Cheese fondue ... Fried Mars.... Actually almost everything on the menu is awesomely yummilicious...!! So, i do recommend this place to everyone, give it a try .. you'll definitely will find something that you will absolutely love...love ..love..!! Go NYNY..!!
Wanna dine at Nyny?? New York New York Deli (opposite Cold Storage) LG311 – Lower Ground Floor 1 Utama Shopping Centre Bandar UtamaTel: 03-7727 9400
Lets just skip a fews ahead, when i first heard of your trip to Europe the first time was through facebook and by then seeing pictures being uploaded. I didnt even heard anything before that, but i was happy for you that you had the chance to visit all the places i could only wish i could. So, when you invited me to join for your second trip, I was ecstatic!! I finally have my chance to realize my dreams.
Since, i have never been out of the contry without my parents. I was clueless on all the planning part. I admit that. I honestly and truly appreciate you and your "New Best Friend" (NBF) work and dedication in planning the hotels, flights and all. I was also happy and excited that your fiancée was joining us too. I truly was, he is an awesome guys even i though only met him only a few times before.
And so we departed Malaysia, we were all happy and excited. Then you ahd a small misunderstanding with ur fiance. I know mayb i should have said certain this what i said. When i think back i shouldve "SHUT MY BIG FAT MOUTH UP".. but like i said, i thought as your BF (i thought i was anyway) that i should and can be direct . As in tell u as it is, and i wasnt even harsh or said what i wanna say. I believe what i said was according to the situation and had nothing to do with my situation in life.
After that 1st day you guys were ok back, and i thought this is where the adventure starts. I has enjoying my time at the first destination. The only shit thing was i sprained my ankle. At first i thought was i has blisters only at the second country that i realized i has a sprained ankle. I know i slowed everyone down, i did my best to keep up even when i was in pain. But what i saw and realized brought me to tears. You were mainly with your NBF, lucky for me your fiance was kind enough to walk with me when i was left behind and was the only one being genuinely acknowledging my hurt and pain. Even when i had my tear session, i was wishing i had my parents/my bf/ or just plainly any of my other good friends to be worried and caring about me . I didnt want/mean that i wanted u to be hovering over me. But i just wished you cared enough to care. I just couldnt take the pain, that i rather walk back alone back to the hotel we were staying cause when i said i was leaving, you and your NBF had the look of impatient that you guys prefer to still be walking around rather then walk me back to the hotel. I didnt mind, i could find the place on my own. I just wished i saw a little more caring-ness and mayb a little understanding from you. Not from ur NBF or your Fiance, but from you... The only person who i felt cared a bit was ur Fiance.
By the time we moved to be 3rd country i was just numb and just rather think about me,myself and i . But i was genuinely appreciated when your fiance help to pull my heavy bag up the hill in Salzburg. I could do it..I admit its my poor planning and packing . And there i had really bad case of diarrhoea. Lucky for us its at the airport, though i didnt slept much. I tried my absolutely hardest not to disturb anyone unless i had too.
By the time we reach London, we found the pill to stop the purging and i was absolutely happy again. I have always dream of coming to London, my dream was to visit the Madam Tussauds and Buckingham Palace. I think that i couldnt stop talking about the place the moment u invited me for the trip. If you think its your dream to visit VENICE and SALZBURG... It was my dream to visit London. !! Actually its my dream to even set foot in EUROPE in general doesnt matter where we went. But when we reach here, all of the sudden u just freaking ignored me, how do u think i felt. ???? Im here thinking that this trip was awesome that i am going for a euro trip with MY BEST FRIEND.. but i just forgot she was here with her NEW BEST FRIEND and FIANCE. Where did that leave me ?? You guess it right.. all alone.
When we had only 1 day to be in London, I thought u would have been understanding and help me realizing my dream of finally to see the 2 places i've only dreamt about. I know you have been there before and have seen both of what i wanted to see. But, to have seen/felt that u didnt care thats just a slap to my face . There and then, i truly asked myself... Where is my best friend?? I dont see her anymore?? I dont even know who u are. The day started with you so selfishly woke up at 9am, leisurely walking around to go eat fish and chips at about 11am, there we were losing half a day. If i knew you didnt wanna go to from the night before, i would have woken up early and went exploring myself. I just felt u and ur NBF was just so selfish. Thats when i snapped and cant wait to go back home. Lucky i got to go to one of my dreams places Mdm.Tussaud. But still, ur selfishness was a wake up i needed.
On ur important day, i was soo happy for u and you looked gorgeous, Anyone how asked me i have answered that way, but im sorry i had to leave early and abruptly. You may not have understand , but all the emotions just rush through me that i couldnt hold my tears any longer. And i dont mean the "boo hoo hoo" kind.. i mean the heartbreaking, hysterical,gut retching, cant breath kind. And i didnt even made it to the car before i burst. All the memories, good, bad, awesome, ugly just came back all in one that it took me 1hour to get to the Boo-hoo-hoo crying stage. I didnt mean for me to leave early to make ppl talk. But if i stayed, it wouldve been bad. And for those haters, who corrupted ur mind thinking i left cause i was jealous that you got engage first after knowing eah other less than 1year and me after 5 years still nothing. They are all full of shit, i told u before even when i first found out u were getting engage. Yes, i question my relationship and i would have wished i would get engage soon too. But i NEVER ...NEVER was jealous that u got there first. I was truly and genuinely happy for you. But i know the ppl close to u might have poison your mind with saying all kind of things. Again, i should stress, you dont seem to know me if u believe them..
I hope the best for u and all your ones. Althought sometimes i do miss you and your siblings. I cant help to think after all these years, mayb i still odnt know any of you. And for me the stunt with the video from ur mother was another blow. even if we were all friends and ok, it wouldve been like a joke but i would still be hurt abit. But after pretty much ignoring me for 3 months for her to send that and sign off with her name. For me its rude , hurtful and just plain mean. I may not talk to all of u , but i would never done anything like that. But anyways, thanks so much to your mom for making me understood where i NOW stand.. and i dont know what the future lies for us . But this is my side of the story.
Who knows what the future lies for both of us, our friendship .. but I do at times think of you.. how can i not... for good 8 years, i always consider u my best friend. Anyways, I honestly wish u all the best for everything that is going for u and ur future. And u are lucky to have found a Man who is as awesome as him. Treat his right, listen to him .. he is wiser beyond his age.!! may god bless u always ... xoxo
Ps : This blog is not to hurt anyone especially You... its just for me to explain my side and just for me to express myself...
When you went away to study. I bid u farewell and i may not have been much of a friend all the way back in Malaysia, but i did the best i could. I was happy that u found and made new friends, i seriously was i had nothing against any of them . I thought they were nice and cool. I seriously thought and think that you guys must be closest , coolest and famous group of friends i have ever seen . I love hearing all the cool things u all did together. I was never jealous cause i know we will still have awesome adventures together when u come back to Malaysia.
Even whenever u come back, i didnt pester or demanded my time with you. Cause i know u have a lot of friends and families that deserve your time. All i had to offer was my 1day offday weekday from work and whatever/whenever you are free spur of the moment meetup. I was ok with that . I never complain except when others try to take my "Tuesdays with Dina" days. I should have realize i was slowly losing u back then, I know I dont own you but the way i see it , is that you were already a part of me. And i was slowly losing that part of me .
Um, as much as i like to make and see my world and life all happy and smiles. Its nothing but. After so much that has happen i rather just numb myself. And i did, but emotional and memories tend to find a way to crept back into my concious.
Truthfully i dont even know where to start. Just so EVERYONE/ ANYONE is clear, this is my feeling, my side and my point of view. So, dont go saying, how could she said that, doesnt she see their side. Please remember, i have seen their side and certain things i may understand their actions and gestures but some even i cant help but to be sad and hurt too. But this is my BLOG and its about how I see the situation.
We have been friends since back in school. Back when we were both awkward girls. Ever since i could remember i have always been there for u . I know im not perfect never was and never will be . I might be a bitchy, loud mouth and scary bitch most of the time. I admit.. but i thought as my 'BestFriend' you would have understood ME after more than 9 years of being BF, i thought we know each other more than that. I may be a bitch and say things, but most of the things just fly out my mouth and u should know then and by NOW most of it was at-the-moment-feeling. Nothing that is permanent or i deeply meant.
I dont wanna sweat the small stuff. I have been called , gossip and even accused of stealing you by your old best friends. Even when all i did was just being a friend to you. I was the one encouraging YOU to be with them, and reconnect with them. But still i was the one being cast as the BITCH and friend stealer. Yet i still ignore those gossips and name calling and still was your friend. We had a lot of awesome, fun and happy times. We even have some, heart-to-heart talk and sad times too. All those i have cherished, but whenever i look back i cant help but feeling sad even for the happy memories. Was it ALL a lie..??
My super awesome bestie Nik Nur Atiqah Ghazali @KLS kinda outdid herself . heheehe, since she cant celebrate my birthday during my birthday weekend, she kept saying she will be surprising me with something. I wasnt really expecting much, cause its not nice to expect anything right? 1) You dont wanna be disappointed , 2) its not nice to expect anything, if ppl wanna give then take doesnt matter what they give..=)..
Although it was a weeks plus since my birthday, she just called up on sunday and ask if i was free, she wants to kidnap me ...lolz. Since i had no plans , she picked me up. No matter how many times i asked her, she would not let me know what was the surprise and where we were going .. i was getting nervous.. lolz.. slowly i notice we were driving towards Damansara Curve/Ikano/Ikea. Even then i was skeptical on what we were doing .. lolz.
And slowly she lead me to the Curve side.. and we walked past.. Italianese.. .TGIF.. The Apartment... Winter Warmers.. and suddenly we stopped in front of Marche. I was suddenly sooo excited...!!! Only then she revealed that she was treating and celebrating my birthday today ... I was suddenly sooo excited...!! I have only been to Marche twice in my life.. and i know the place is kinda pricey... Anyways, Its her treat and she keep on insisting i get everything.. haha .. i had to reel myself in... Although someone is paying doesn't mean you have to stuff yourself to the max...
Haha, We are both meat eaters.. and we absolutely love love love LAMB... hehehe .. but she insisted i took the grilled wagyu beef .. and boy, was it awesome. I didnt know with the set i also got a beef sausage with it .. But honestly , AWESOME!!.. she has the lamb chops... um.. that too was sooo yummy and flavourfull. My bestie has such a sweet tooth, that even i cant keep up with her sweet cravings.. lolz, so, with that we enjoy 2 desserts at Marche itself. And mine was too die for... buttery crumble cake underneath, creme cheese spread and fresh fruits ontop.. wow.. *lip smacking/licking lips *.. yummilicious..!!
After eating all the awesome, delicious, yummilicious and fantastic food at Marche. We both decide to go watch Burlesque staring Cher , Christina Aguilera and Kirsten Bell just to name a few. And boy we absolutely enjoy the movie from start to ending. Expecially when Cam Gigandet was fully naked and offering his cookies to Christina's charactor... Sexy....!! hehe ... We enjoyed ourselves too much that right after the movie , we even had an hour Karaoke session to release our Burlesque fever and sexual tension for the movie... hahaha ... lolz...At the new "Song Box" at e@curve. Its a new place, decent place , sound system so-so and its fairly simple but cheap.
Did i say that my bestie is a chocoholic and has the biggest sweet tooth ?? lolz, before we ended the day .. we stopped for a last dessert. And where did we go..?? Where else, my bestie's favourite place to get her desserts... DOME@ Ikano!! I think we had the Strawberry cheese cake. For me its on the too sweet side but to her , she absolutely loves it ...!!!! hehehe ...
Um, on top of everything that she had did and paid for the day , she also got me a gift , by then i was overwhelmed. Im my 25 years in this world, never.. and i mean NEVER has an individual friend done anything as much as Atiqah has done for me .. We will soon be celebrating our 15 years of friendship, although in that 15 years of knowing each other, we lost a few years in between. But compare to the others that has come and gone. You are truly someone dear to me... muahss... Luv u sayang !!!! Xoxoxo, till our 15 years anniversary celebration... luv u loads..!!! And thanks for making this birthday something i would forever remember and cherish with all my heart .!!And i luv my Pink lipstick winking lamp, hello kitty lunch giant mug and hello kitty jar!!! ,muahss..
We will always have a Best friend in each chapter in ourlives, but when they truly there for u when u needed them the most and dont sweat the small stuff.. Those are Best Friends for life.. and You are definitely mine...!! Insyallah, forever and always...!!
Yeah...!! Im 25.. hehehe .. my birthday this year was awesome..!! Celebrated with my family and my boyfriend!! hehe.. Since my birthday is in February, it normally is around Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. And everything is either super expensive or its normally a set meal for two or something and freaking expensive..!!
So , rather than pay about almost rm100++ per pax to eat at places like TGIF, Italianesse, Bubba Gump and etc... My family and i decided to go for an all-you-can-eat buffet that has a wide variety of food such as Chinese food, Japanese, Arab, Korean, Western, and etc.. everything here is delicious and you can take your picture of what u wanna indulge.
If you normally celebrate at places such as TGIF and all, all you will getting at most is a brownie and a group of the staff /server will sing a birthday song for you, while you humiliate yourself by standing on the chair...haha , I had my share of those too. Truthfully, as long as its fun, wacky, a teeny bit loud and crazy.. hahaha .. i kinda enjoy whatever and wherever my birthdays is held..WEEEEE!!!!*winkss*
So, for last year and this year, my parents treated me at Shogun for my awesome 24th and 25th bday. Wanna know whats awesome..?? besides the good food i mean.... . =)... If you come on your birthday date , flash your IC, and u will eat for FREE!!!.. Yup, Free...*valid with one paying adult*...Awesome right, there's more..If your parents are senior citizens (55+ above) they get to dine at 50% off. hehehe ... Imagine 3 adults +1senior citizen+1bday Girl/Boy = Rm 180 only including tax and service charge...Yeah!!
What i really enjoy was the baked oyster and baked escargot!!! yummilicious...Not to forget for all the lamb lovers... Attention to all LAMB lovers out there..!! Shogun caters exquisite lamb dishes from lamb chop, lamb rack, lamb kebab, lamb curry .. um.. and the list goes on..*smacking lips*.. But TRUST me .. this place is absolutely awesome..!!!
After Lunch/Dinner at Shogun, my family, my bf and i had 2 games of bowling... haha .. sad to say although i was the birthday girl, they didnt really gave me a chance. Lolz, my dad and brother was leading in points.. however, the 1st game i got second and the 2nd game i got last... huhuhu...
After the awesome family bowling, Tito and i went for a movie. I knew he would love "Green Hornet" and thats what we watched..=).... For my birthday i got 1 movie ticket and a small popcorn free from Cathay Cineplex damansara. So all we had to do was pay for drinks and 1 ticket only... hehe ...budget right ?? hehe .. I love it..!! hehe ... So, that was how my birthday this year went.. simple, budget, awesome.. heheeh.. with bigger things to plan and save for .. Its the perfect birthday... surrounded with ppl i love and care about,.. Cant wait till the next celebration... xoxoxo
Wow, its an awesome place, its been tourism-ized.hehehe they made the place so that its easily accessible, with individual hot pools for those who wants to have a private time or family spot. They have a big open pool type space that is so beautiful , clean and clear that u can see to your feet... heheh e.. its breath takingly awesomely and so realaxing place to just chill out for a weekend away with family or even a day trip with friends. And that's what i did!!
The thing with this place is they have two attractions, on one side is the fabulously relaxing hot spring that are about 20-40 Celsius and up to 47 celsius at some of the mini hot pools and the other side of
this awesome place is the cool mountain water 'Air gunung' . This cool mountain water is soooo refreshing and just plain bone chilling cold, that is just awesome on those hot steamy temperature days.
When my family and i was there, one of the staff named En.Anuar informed us that the algae from the sulfate is kinda like a scrub that help to whiten our skin.. So, my parents , my brother and i all tried it out for ourselves and i have to say it did made our skin fairer and smoother.
There is a egg boiling place that u can boil eggs according to your preferences..=).. My 1st visit with my parents we didnt know about the egg boiling perch, so we didnt bring any with us and that gave me ideas for my next time. So for my 2nd visit with my friends, we brought our own list of things.. eggs..blackpepper... french baguette..pita bread... and i even made my famous chicken mayo to be eaten at the picnic area.. and man we had an awesome time..!!
My family and friends absolutely love the place, and we cant wait to go back there... Its a place that you guys can plan a family getaway, family day and even a place to strengthen the bond of friendshop.We all had fun there and if u were to come for a visit here some times soon. Dont forget to take pictures and visit each pool to experience the different heat and temperature, till u find one that fits u and relaxing..!! hehe ... Till next time.. xoxoxo
They also have a hotel there Rm150 per weekdays and Rm220 weekends...=)
Interested to go there ? FELDA RESIDENCE HOT SPRINGS 35600 Sungkai, Perak, Malaysia Tel: +605 438 8801 / +605 438 8803 Fax: +605 438 8805