Well, Valentine was just around the corner.. And im in the mood for love.. lolz, When i was young, I never really believe at 'love at first sight' and 'happily ever after'... For me, those were the two most biggest lie people tell when explaining about LOVE. Those only happen in fairytales, cartoons, and movies. (OST of Sleeping Beauty..'Once upon a dream'.)Um, its something only a Disney princess could ever feel and find that ONE true love...=)..
Well god decided to prove how wrong i was. Lolz. When i was sooo much younger ,I wasnt the kind of girl boys will come running after. I was a very self-conscious, self-loathing and basically boring person. To say

no boys came knocking was a lie, but even at that age. I believe in feeling something. I dont mean the sexual / hormonal kind , more of the awareness, aura, and spark kind of feeling. And for all those who came knocking, i didnt have that 'feeling' that i so wanted to feel... sorry guys !! Some of them showed me how another person could make u feel all sorts of emotions, hurt, sadness, heartbreaking, alone-ness, and could just be so cruel. But there were those who showered me with laughter, happiness, smiles , and showed me glimpses of what love is.

Well lets get on with the story, haha .. A friend then Bf, wanted to introduced me to his cousin, and i was adamant that i was not and will never be interested in the guy and will NEVER be matchmake again.. ever!!! And, in comes this very chinese looking tall big build guy.. and what did i do..?? My plan was to roll my eyes at him and ignore.. But NO!!!.. ahaha ...what i did was a double take.. lolz.. and i was liking everything that i saw... Tall...Broad shoulder.. fair... older... um... EVERYTHING that i was looking for . Hehehe .. lets just say we click at first sight....
We all would like to hear that men normally made the move.. well, in this case. I did , I made the 1st move!!=).. What did I do ?? haha, i kinda stole his phone number from his cousins phone. I message him like 30 minutes after we said that 1st goodbye.. and hehehe it went on and on for 3 days which he then chose to surprise me at my office and invited me out to dinner.. Glad to say, we hit it off instantly, and after about 10 days from the first day we met we got togther.. and Proud to say that was 6 years ago...!! hehehe..

And what an awesome 6 years it has been, we have gone thru a lot . All the high and low in our lives.. So, far we have never.. and i mean NEVER ever had a major fight... 'merajuk rajuk tu biasalah.'..=). lolz, And we are enjoying learning about each other .. and still learning everyday. I am proud how we can talk and talk... so that we understand each other before we proceed to the next level. All the memories made will be the yellow brick road to happiness and a story that is worth a listen and who knows mayb a book in the process... *wink*... lolx... hehee .. lolz...
Our fun and happy moments during his 29th birthday, with the bday cake i baked for him..!! |
So, here is to my Baby... my darling.... my world... my better half.... May our world, our future hold many more adventures and may we have our whole lives to be together... forever..for infinity and beyond.!! xoxoxo ... Luv u always...
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